Our Process
Consulted on the product names and developed a strategy for all naming processes, which led to the creation of a brand name for the technology of an emission-free manufactured freezer system called Leap. We then created a name with the team and professional trademark lawyer firm.
We developed the name using the brand and technology, and created Novum Leap and the tagline “Preserve and Conserve For The Future”. The client was very impressed, which led to the contract awarding to build an extension of the brand, presentations, guidelines, symbols, vehicle branding, brochures, and websites.
We also laid out a plan and strategy for their website design and development, including their existing services. We provided the client with three design mock-ups and layouts from which they chose the one which fit the brand identity.
Timeline Project Based
What we delivered
- Consultation to see all issues internally and externally
- Recommendations to change the brand’s perception
- Naming – product alignment and globally registered trademark
- Visual identity for product logos
- Guidelines for all product names
- Brochures for all products
- Creation of company symbol
- Presentation folder
- Branding of vehicles
- Website design UI and UX